Institute of Directors. Why everyone's talking about cyber security

25 April 2019

Peter Matthews, Metro CEO, joins Ciaran Martin, CEO of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), and other Industry leaders in an advisory article about Cyber Security for business published by the Institute of Directors "Director" magazine.



The National Cyber Security Centre held its flagship event, CyberUK, on 24-25 April. IT experts and business leaders discuss how best to protect corporate systems and data

CIARAN MARTIN is CEO of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the government body that helps public- and private-sector organisations to safeguard their IT systems As recently as five years ago, the advice that western governments were giving businesses on cyber security was technically limited. What’s more, much of this guidance focused on telling well-governed organisations to manage risk well. What it didn’t really tell them was to approach cyber risk in just the same way as they would any other risk.

I marvel at the effectiveness with which businesses deal with the complex array of risks facing them, from financial liabilities to health and safety responsibilities. When you put it in that context, cyber risk is something they are also well capable of managing. It’s simply a case of giving them the right tools for the task.

To read more please go to The IOD, Director Magazine