Director of Finance. What to do if the dark web ensnares you

03 January 2019

Phil Chambers, Metro COO, in Director of Finance discussing how businesses can respond if they discover their data being traded on the Dark Web.


What to do if the dark web ensnares you

Having your company’s financial data up for sale on the dark web is the stuff of nightmares. Don’t worry, there are still things you can do, says Phil Chambers

Dark web trading rooms are open 24-7. They can materialise and sell off high-value financial data, then vanish. But there are opportunities for businesses to find their stolen information and beat the criminals at their own game.

If your computer system is hacked, there is a good chance that any saleable data will find its way to dark web, where anonymous individuals pay for illegal goods and services using an equally anonymous cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin. That is why FDs and c-suite executives should view the dark web as a tool in their risk management and loss prevention plans, not as a ridge of despair. It helps to understand how the dark web works.

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