Firstline worker digital transformation

The one-stop-shop for digital transformation.

A world-leading solution designed for firstline workers like you.

Are you struggling to keep up with paperwork demand?

Are you falling behind on your goals for productivity and efficiency?

Not enough hours in the day?

The solution to these problems is easy. With Metro’s turnkey firstline worker solutions, improving your workflow is effortless. No more missed deadlines lost forms or complicated processes. Digital workflows designed to make your job easier. That’s what we do best, and we can do it for you.

Why go digital?

If it works, don’t fix it. But are your paper-based solutions or manual processes pulling their weight? Digital is the future for firstline workers, and innovation is the key to your continued success. With your industry knowledge and our specialised expertise, bringing your business into the digital future is easy. For improved productivity, enhanced performance, and smooth operations, we’re the solution.

For firstline workers, there are more tools out there than ever before to support day-to-day practices. From accessing immediate support when needed to streamlining existing workflows and paperwork trails, digital technology for healthcare and manufacturers is better than ever. So why not take advantage of the tools at your disposal?

First class solutions for firstline workers

As specialists in our field, we know the pressure, stresses and complex workflows that come with firstline worker roles. That’s why our goal is to transform outdated, paper-based systems in fuss-free, convenient, and powerful ways that deliver results quickly - no long-winded waits for results, and as little downtime as possible.

The work you do is essential. With Metro, we put that importance at the forefront of the service we provide – going above and beyond to transform your company with secure, reliable, and purpose-built IT solutions that do the work. If you’re looking for a first-class, specialised, customer-focused solution to your digital transition, you won’t do better than us.

Digital transformations tailored to your requirements

No two manufacturers or healthcare organisations are the same. That’s why Metro doesn’t deal with generic answers to specific problems. Instead, we work with you as a remote expert service, providing anything from simplified digital workflows to state-of-the-art augmented reality technology. There’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all in our line of work – and you benefit from our expertise, as well as our breadth of knowledge in the firstline worker field.

Paper-based workflows and outdated processes can quickly lead your business to a standstill, falling behind your peers as the innovate and advance. Our team are the experts when it comes to building up businesses into full-fledged digital freedom—providing the tools, know-how and expert support to get you on your feet and achieve greater things faster.

Work with Metro today

Our wealth of industry knowledge, our commitment to incredible customer service and our fast turnaround makes us Metro the best fir for your digital transformation. If you’re interested in taking the first steps towards digitising your business, get in touch with our team today. We handle your technology, so you don’t have to – how’s that for customer service?

Contact Us


Metro Communications Ltd
128 City Road



0203 906 1400